🎮Gameplay Overview

Enders Gate Game Logic


Each player area is equipped with:

  • Four guardian card areas.

  • Four Actions/Reaction card areas.

  • One Deck holder area.

  • One discard pile. (represented by a tombstone)

  • One field card slot. (to the right of the tombstone)

  • One Avatar area. (Above the deck area)

  • One player shop.


The first player is decided by coin flip. Each player is given 350 in-game gold then draws five cards.

(Game Timer Overview)

  • Each player's turn lasts 60* seconds.

  • A Turn can be manually ended by the player before the allotted 60 seconds run out.

The Game timer begins, giving both players 15 minutes on their respective match clock which counts down whenever a player has the ability to initiate an action. There's a total of 30 minutes per Enders Gate Match. (match time to be adjusted based on public feedback)

Game Phases

Each player's turn consists of a...

  1. Draw Phrase

    • This is the first phase. The player whose turn it is (the “turn player”) draws 1 card from the top of their Deck.

      • IMPORTANT: The player who goes first cannot draw during the Draw Phase of their first turn.

      Main Action in the “Draw Phrase”:

      1. Draw 1 Card (except for the very 1st turn of the Duel).

      Possible Other Actions in this phase:

  2. Standby-Phase

    • Some cards have effects that activate, or costs you must pay, in the Standby Phase. If you do not have any of these cards on the field, you can still activate Reaction Cards or Quick-Play Action Cards before moving on to your Main Phase 1.

    Main Action in the “Standby-Phase”:

    1. Resolve card effects that happen in this phase

    Possible Other Actions in this phase:

    • Passive activation of Action / Reaction Card effects.

  3. Main Phase #1

    • This is when you play most of your cards: you can Summon a Guardian using Gold, Set, or retire a Guardian for 50% of the gold used to summon them back, activate a card’s effect, and set Action and Reaction Cards. These actions can be done in any order you want, but some actions have restrictions.

    Possible Actions in the “Main Phase #1”:

    1. Summon a Guardian(s) using gold

    2. Retire a Guardian(s) already on the field for 50% of their summon gold cost back.

    3. Active a Card or Effect

    4. Set Action Cards and Reaction Cards

  4. Battle Phase

    • In this phase, you battle with your Guardian Cards! You do not have to conduct a Battle Phase every turn, even if you have a Guardian on the field ready to attack.

      • IMPORTANT: The player who goes first cannot conduct their Battle Phase on their first turn.

    Possible Actions in the “Battle Phase”:

    1. Battle with Guardians

    2. Activate Reaction Cards and QuickPlay Action Cards.

Preview of the Battle Phase.

Guardian Battle (HP Based)

If a Guardian attacks another guardian their health gets deducted by the amount of attack that the attacking guardian has. When defeating a card you receive (80%) of the amount of gold required to hire the fallen Guardian.

Guardian Retirement (Discard) - If a card requires a player to retire (discard) a guardian in order to activate its effect, a player can accept this condition and send the guardian to the Tombstone ('discard pile'). Upon successful Guardian retirement, the Player then receives (50%) of the gold back that was required to hire the Guardian.

  1. Main Phase #2

    • If you conducted your Battle Phase, your turn moves to Main Phase 2 afterward. The actions a player can perform in this phase are the same as in Main Phase 1. However, if the player already did something in Main Phase 1 that has a limit to the number of times it can be done, the player cannot do it again in Main Phase 2. Consider if you want to activate and set Action & Reaction Cards, or Summon a Guardian (if you did not do that in Main Phase 1) based on your situation after the Battle Phase. Use this phase to prepare for the opponent’s turn.

    Possible Actions in the “Main Phase #2”:

    1. Summon a Guardian(s) using gold

    2. Retire a Guardian(s) already on the field for 50% of their summon gold back

    3. Active a Card or Effect

    4. Set Action Cards and Reaction Cards

  2. End Phase

    • If there are any cards on the field which say “â€Ļduring the End Phaseâ€Ļ” in their text, resolve those effects in this phase

    • If you have more than 6 cards in your hand at the end of this phase, select and discard cards to the Graveyard until you only have 6 cards in your hand

    • End your turn.

Main Action in the “End Phase”:

  1. Resolve card effects that happen in this phase

  2. End your turn.

Possible Other Actions in this phase:

  • Passive activation of Action / Reaction Card effects.

Card Rarity

Enders Gate Cards are also categorized by their rarity factor scaling from Wood, Stone, Iron, Gold, and the Legendary Adamantine.

Avatars Cards

Avatar Card Dracul (+20 ATK to all Champions in your deck)

Avatar cards typically have one positive effect on the controlling player's overall deck. Certain Avatars may have one negative overall effect requiring the player to make an enticing but tough decision.

Example: +10 gold per round in exchange for all controlled guardians having -10 attack.

Last updated

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